Wednesday, December 05, 2007

November Net Worth

Though I've been low on the posting lately, I did update my net worth on December 1, like the good little PF blogger I am.

It's up, but only because it was a three-paycheck month, which meant extra-big 401(k) contributions and Freedom Fund allocations.

AND, it's over the $20,000 mark! To be specific, my November net worth is $20,776, for an increase of 4.58% from last month. Now the goal is to keep it there: my plan is to spend close to $500 on holiday gifts, so too rough a ride on the stock market could conceivably pull me back below that goal mark. Not a lot I can do about the stock market, though...

You can check out the details on NetWorthIQ.


Escape Brooklyn said...

That's great progress!

Anonymous said...

4.58% is absolutely awesome! congratulations.

cLin said...

That site is awesome, I am going to do the same :)