Friday, February 01, 2008

Non-Salary Income Update: $215.35

Seven of my fabulous readers signed up with ING, earning themselves $25 bonuses and me $10 bonuses, so I'm adding that $70 to the running tally of non-salary income. It's lucky, too: this month I had to pay the $130 registration fee for the GRE in Literature in English and buy some study supplies (i.e. a disturbingly large number of 4x6" index cards).

I also signed up with AdSense this month, and though I made some money, I haven't reached the $100 threshold necessary to get a check from Google. I'll add that income as I actually get it, not as it accrues in the hypothetical, because if I removed AdSense tomorrow, I'd never see a penny from Google, I don't think. I may also check out LinkWorth this month, on Tired But Happy's recommendation.

This puts me 14.4% of the way to earning $1,500 in non-salary income by the end of the year.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm a 46-year-old '83 college graduate with a masters in English I earned in '89.

I work as a technical writer in Pennsylvania. I switched careers from programming into to writing.

I spend a year laid off after the web crash of 2001. I don't make as much as I used to, but I am slowly making up the ground I lost.

I am still trying to figure out my finances. I don't think that part ever stops.